The Special Educational Needs Tribunal for Wales (SENTW), its members and decisions is an independent tribunal established in 2003 under Section 333 (1ZA) of the Education Act 1996. The tribunal is funded by the Welsh Government but the tribunal, the members and decisions of the SENTW, are independent of Government. Statistical information and an annual account of activities is provided in the Annual Report for the SENTW.
The Education Tribunal for Wales deals with disputes to do with:
Statements of special educational needs (SEN)
If you are appealing a decision made about a statement of special educational needs (SEN), or a decision made within the SEN system, please use the guidance on this website. This is the correct guidance for children and young people in the SEN system.
Individual Development Plan (IDP)
If you have a dispute about an IDP an assessment about additional learning needs, or claims of disability discrimination, you should use the guidance on our new website.
Tribunal office arrangements
The tribunal continues to work remotely with limited access to items delivered by post. If possible, please ensure that any documents required by the tribunal (including application forms and written submissions) are sent by email to
If this is not possible, please contact the tribunal office on 0300 025 9800 for alternative arrangements.
The tribunal is listing hearings as normal. However, please note that in the majority of cases hearings are being listed virtually using the Tribunal's cloud video platform.
Recording of Tribunal Hearings
Please note that the Tribunal is not recording tribunal hearings. It is a criminal offence to record tribunal hearings including taking any photographs, videos or audio recordings.

The guidance on this website only applies to appeals about statements of SEN. If you are appealing a decision made about an individual development plan (IDP) or an assessment about additional learning needs, please use the guidance on our new website.

Please go to our new website for guidance on claims of disability discrimination in schools.
Children and teenagers
If you want to find out more our information booklets tell you all about appeals and claims.
Local Authorities and Responsible Bodies
Our guidance booklets provide information for Local Authorities about how to respond to an appeal and Responsible Bodies about how to respond to a claim.
Our background
Please contact us if you have any questions or cannot find what you are looking for.